Coordination / Collegium / Committees


The Coordination of the PPGSC is carried out by members of the permanent faculty elected for 2-year terms, with one reelection permitted.

The Coordination is responsible for financial administration and leadership in discussions on academic and legal matters.

  • Current Management




TERM OF OFFICE: 03/2024 – 02/2026 (Ordinance No. 556/GR/2024)

She holds a degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Pelotas (1994), a master’s degree (2000) and a doctorate (2008) in Public Health from the University of São Paulo, and a postdoctoral degree from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2023). She is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health (PPGSC). She has experience in the area of ​​Public Health, with an emphasis on Epidemiology, working mainly in the research line Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases and injuries. She has experience in epidemiological surveillance and tobacco control.




TERM OF OFFICE: 03/2024 – 02/2026 (Ordinance No. 557/GR/2024)

Graduated in Nursing from UFRGS (1981), Specialist in Public Health (1988), Master in Nursing from UFSC (1993). Completed a PhD in Nursing, in the area of ​​Philosophy of Health, from UFSC (2002), having completed a Sandwich Doctorate at the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza with Prof. Giovanni Berlinguer (1998-2000). Since 1993, she has been a professor in the Department of Public Health at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at UFSC since 2003, developing the line of research in Bioethics and Public Health. She is also a professor of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Sciences at UFSC, working on the line of research Evolution of life and health sciences. She is the leader of the Center for Research in Bioethics and Public Health – NUPEBISC/UFSC and coordinates the project Bioethics through the Lens of Cinema. She has experience in the areas of Bioethics, Public Health, Family Health Strategy, and Health Education. She was Coordinator of the Integrated Residency Program in Family Health at UFSC from 2004 to 2007 and Vice-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health from 2007 to 2008.