Area of concentration and Lines of research


Since 2009, the program has adopted only the area of concentration of Collective Health, with the aim of strengthening its general vision by integrating its core knowledge.


The program structures its academic production in lines of research that seek to articulate and sustain the 3 nuclei of knowledge of collective health, social sciences, and humanities in health, epidemiology and policies, planning, and management in health. The lines of research that support the organization of Master’s and Doctoral Programs are as follows:

  1. Primary health care

Studies on Primary Health Care in the context of the population, policies, management, work process, training, professional practice, and quaternary prevention in PHC adopt the quantitative and qualitative methodology.

  1. Bioethics and collective health

Studies devoted to ethical issues arising in the field of Collective Health. Analysis of ethical issues related to borderline situations. Everyday bioethics and collective health. Health as a human right. Equity in Health.

  1. Social Inequalities in Health

Studies on the unequal and unfair distribution of health-disease processes in human populations, with emphasis on specific markers of inequities. Studies can involve health outcomes, use, and access to health services and interventions. It also aggregates conceptual/historical, qualitative, and methodological development theoretical studies on inequalities related to health events (disease, accident, injury, and suffering) of various populations, social groups, and individuals.

  1. Epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases and conditions

Studies on the behavior of noncommunicable diseases and conditions and associated factors. Analysis of the primary difficulties in measuring exposure and determining the cause-effect relationship. Emphasis on studying cardiovascular diseases and cancer, especially in children, adolescents, and young adults.

  1. Epidemiology of communicable diseases

Studies of prevalence, incidence, and risk factors related to communicable diseases, including biological vectors, environmental characteristics, and risk behavior. Emphasis on the study of infectious diseases and associated risk and protective factors. Evaluation of interventions to reduce the impact of these diseases.

  1. Epidemiology in oral health

Epidemiology of the primary oral morbidities (dental caries, periodontal diseases, cancer, occlusopathies, buco-dental-facial trauma): international and national framework and associated factors. Methods and techniques in oral health epidemiology.

  1. Planning and evaluation of health services, programs, and systems

Study the planning and implementation of health policies and programs, analysis of models of care and management of health services, and creation of strategies for health intervention. Evaluation studies of health programs, services, and systems using quantitative and qualitative methodologies have also been developed.

  1. Collective mental health

Analysis of systems, policies, and programs in mental health, with emphasis on planning and management aspects. It is based on examining the historical evolution of the fields of knowledge that guide the different paradigms and current practices in mental health, with special attention to psychiatric reform. It values the search for therapeutic models to meet the contemporary demands of new types of substitute services to the asylum logic. Studies on drug use and care for drug users from the perspective of complexity and the social representation of use, user, and care.

  1. Sociology and collective health

Epistemological and empirical sociological studies involve constructing knowledge and practices in health, associative practices in health, gender, and sexual diversity.

  1. Violence and health

It aims to recognize the impact of violence on the health of people in situations of violence, as well as those deprived of freedom in guaranteeing human rights. To investigate the daily relationships of LGBTT populations, their contours, and social practices related to health and violence. Reflect on the health care provided to people in situations of violence and/or deprivation of freedom. To study the social representations of women’s health and violence. The approach to the topic takes place through quantitative and qualitative methodologies.